About Us


Our mission is two-fold: one, to encourage the individual Christian to unapologetically proclaim the good news of the Gospel and that Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords in their community, and two, to encourage the spirit of unity amongst the local churches.

The Individual Christian

For the individual Christian, we aim to encourage them to join us in unapologetically proclaiming the good news of the Gospel and the name of Jesus Christ in our community in a very public setting, whether that is a larger event, like an all-day festival, or more smaller events like worship in the park, prayer at the courthouse, etc.

Sometime in the 20th century, Christians began to believe that Christianity is a private faith, a quiet faith, one that only resides within the heart, the home, and the church but has no place beyond that, and certainly has no place in the public square, whether that be politics, education, entertainment, etc.

That concept would be foreign to the Christians in the first century, especially to the apostles. When we read the Bible, specifically around the time that Jesus began His earthly ministry, we see a very public Christianity. Jesus began His ministry being baptized in front of a large crowd, where God the Father recognizes His ministry by publicly speaking that this is His son in whom he is well pleased. From there, Jesus spends the majority of His time in the public square. He goes from field, to town, to marketplace, to seaside, teaching small and large groups. He has a very public trial, he has a very public death on the cross, he has a very public resurrection and then ascension into heaven. Everything He did was in the public square.

He then commissions his disciples to carry on in the same way. He exhorts them to go share the gospel to all creation. If it moves, preach the gospel to it. And they did, so much so that we see In Acts 17:6, they drag a man named Jason out his home and bring him in front of a mob because they believed he was hiding the men who, in their words “turned the world upside down by proclaiming there is another king, Jesus”. They don’t say that about people who keep Christianity in their hearts and to their 10-minute devotionals.

So, we reject this idea that Christianity is a private faith. We believe it ought to be very public. Jesus gave us the great commission, to disciple all the nations, to preach the gospel to all creation, and the one way you can do that is if you take Christ crucified and unapologetically celebrate that in a very public setting.

The Local Church

There seems to be a church on every corner. And if you look closely, these churches all belong to different denominations. There are legitimate reasons for that, but one thing we see with this is that these churches end up staying in their denominational bubbles, if you will. There is little to no interaction between churches.

This would also be a foreign concept to the first century churches. When we read the New Testament, we see different churches form in different cities, but there is a spirit of unity among the churches. The apostle Paul writes about this in Ephesians 4, he urges the churches to love one another, to be eager to maintain the spirit of unity, and what is that thing that unites us? It’s our one Lord, our one faith, one God, Father of all, who is over all.

If we honestly evaluated the local churches, could we say that we’re eager to maintain the spirit of unity? I would argue no. So, we aim to provide opportunities for the local church to lower the denominational walls and let’s unite around what bonds us together, our faith in Jesus Christ, the Lord.

By doing this, we can build one another up, strengthen one another, and have the church be what it's called to be.

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:16-20