We believe Christ Is King.

We believe all creation submits to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Christ Is King Festival

Christ Is King — Festival

When you look at the calendar of events in your city, how often is the Christian community represented? How often is the name of Christ represented? Chances are there are all-day events for the various communities in your city, but rarely is the Christian community represented. Let’s change that! We believe every city across the globe should have a representation of the King of kings. Jesus Christ is Lord. We propose Christ Is King month, with a Christ Is King festival.

We Encourage The Individual Christian


We encourage the local Christian to live like they serve a risen King, who has all authority. We aim to encourage them to unapologetically proclaim the name of Jesus Christ in their community in a very public setting, whether that is a larger event, like an all-day festival, or more smaller events like worship in the park, prayer at the courthouse, etc.

We encourage the local Christian to fulfill the great commission, to go out and make disciples of all nations, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and being the salt and light in their communities by speaking the truth of God’s Word at every opportunity, to friends, family, neighbors, business leaders, and political leaders.

We Encourage The Local Church


We encourage the local church to boldly stand for God’s truth in their community.

We encourage the local church to be eager to maintain the spirit of unity, to set aside our denominational differences and unite around one Body, one Spirit, one Lord, one Faith, one God, Father of all, who is over all things.

We encourage the local church to speak boldly from Scripture, calling rulers and citizens to account on matters that touch on God’s justice, righteousness or moral principles. All authority has been given to Christ, and all of creation submits to Him. While we recognize separation of church and state as separate spheres of authority, we affirm that both exist under Christ’s supreme authority. Everything—church, state, and all—bows to Christ.

Stay up to date.

Christ Is King is in its early stages of planning, organizing, and fundraising. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news and events.

“All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you. For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations.”

Psalm 22:27-28


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
